### - Javascript Encryption series: webpages to encrypt things from your little brother or sister.
JavaScript Text Encryption      by Tomislav Sereg ©
  1. Input a password into the "Password" field.
  2. (Optional): Enter a short farewell or your name into the
     "Optional signature" field. The signature shows up at the end
      of the message, but only if you leave it out DURING decryption,
      i.e., When decrypting the cipher-text the "Optional signature"
      field is left blank.
  3. Type a message into the "Plain text" field.
  4. Press the "Encr." (Encrypt) button to get cipher-text.
  5. Press the "Decr." (Decrypt) button to decrypt the cipher-text.
  6. Check the box 'Account for line returns'.(Default is checked.)
     This lets the software know that your plain text will have/use
     line returns (i.e., "line endings", or "carriage returns").

(Optional signature):
Account for line returns

Plain text:

Cipher text:

JavaScript Text Encryption by Tomislav Sereg
What is this?
Javascript Text Encryption is a webpage with code written by © Tomislav Sereg.
This script is from http://javascript.internet.com/passwords/ within an additional subsection of keyword "text encryption".
Perhaps not industrial grade encryption but it is nonetheless simple and effective.
It is very simple to use:
  "Encr." button encrypts the plain text.
  "Decr." button decrypts the cipher-text.
You should always leave the "Account for line returns" box checked. For certain browsers, if this box is unchecked when the plain-text contains line returns, the decryption process will return both a mis-formatted message and a garbled plain-text. The other advantage to checking this box is it increases the chance of successful encryption between different brands of web browser.

What are the limits of this webpage?
*Like other encryption tools, the password is case-sensitive
*Unicode characters are NOT compatible with this page ☁
For dealing with unicode, look in this Javascript Encryption series or on the internet for pages using scripts by Chris Veness, John Walker, or Vincent Cheung. Alternatively a less elegant but feasible solution is to convert your text message into a Base 64 format and then transfer this content back into the window above for text encryption and password protection. Ensure your Base 64 application will handle unicode characters. "Step 64 Text Encryption" is a hybrid webpage in this Javascript Encryption series, which combines "Base 64 Encode Decode (for text)" and "JScramble". This will handle unicode as well as a message's line-returns. There should be equally effective webpages elsewhere on the internet though.
*Consider a stronger encryption application if you have sensitive data! It appears the script looks at the plain text window and gives itself permission to reproduce any characters there but in various quantities and spits this out in the cipher text ("Encrypted text") window.

This page should run anywhere from the internet. Theoretically, if you save this page locally, it should still work offline, ie, even without an internet connection.
*The Copyright © holders have all rights reserved. The software and web documents are provided "as is" without express or implied warranty of any kind by the parties and contributors involved.
(†) Webpage formatting by JCPMA © 2011
This JavaScript library provides encryption using simple, text-oriented method called column transposition. The idea is to write the plain text in block on the row-first bases. The text is then read column-first. The trick is in that the columns are not read from left to right, but in the order specified by the encryption key. Transliteration is also used. Free JavaScripts provided
by The JavaScript Source