◆ Step 64© Text Encryption Step 64© 文本加密 by JCPMA |
◆ Step 64 Text Encryption ♪♫ ♫ What is this? |
This panel enables encrypting text messages of either regular latin text characters, or unicode characters which may include unusual letters, symbols or punctuation.
☀ INSTRUCTIONS ★ HINTS - What the results look like: ☎ DISCUSSION |
注 A Note on Using Different Web Browsers
This page was tested with three browsers and it was found the resulting BASE 64 TEXT differed between them. Apparently web browsers treat line returns (aka carriage returns) uniquely. These three browsers, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome give an identical base64 code for one line of text:
- code is bXlmYXZvcml0ZWNlcmVhbA==
However for text with a line return, the code is slightly different. Example:
- code is bXlmYXZvcml0ZWNlcmVhbA0KY29tZXNpbmFjYXJkYm9hcmRib3g= for Internet Explorer
- code is bXlmYXZvcml0ZWNlcmVhbApjb21lc2luYWNhcmRib2FyZGJveA== for Firefox
- code is bXlmYXZvcml0ZWNlcmVhbApjb21lc2luYWNhcmRib2FyZGJveA== for Google Chrome
There is some reassurance though, as decoding "browser A's" code using the other brand of web browser, "browser B" still gives you the correct original text! (i.e., encoding with Firefox and then using InternetExplorer to decode the message.)
Similarly I was reassured after I cross-tested the different resulting CIPHER TEXT in the three browsers. The two step decryption was successful in that the original message was retained in all three browsers!
✓ Credits
The base 64 portion of the script was modified from the "base64" appendix directory in Lingoes© portable version 2.762 (http://www.lingoes.net).
The text encryptor portion of the javascript was modified from Randy Welfley's © JScramble© webpage at http://randy.welfley.us/jscram.htm
The browser javascript indicator is of script written by John Walker © http://www.fourmilab.ch
Step 64© was created by JCPMA © Copyright November 2011
The Copyright © holders have all rights reserved. The software and web documents are provided "as is" without express or implied warranty of any kind by the parties and contributors involved.